How I Coach

I intuitively apply two main processes during one on one sessions with clients: EFT and NLP. I also weave in various other practices I have learned throughout the years of my spiritual studies. 

What is EFT?

Tapping, or Emotional Freedom Techniques, is simply stated a stress reduction and self help process that has wide ranging healing and spiritual growth applications. It combines various western psychological ideas with the critical somatic component of gently tapping on acupressure points on the body. EFT is Based on research showing that emotional trauma contributes greatly to disease. Clinical trials have shown that EFT tapping is able to rapidly reduce the emotional impact of memories and incidents that trigger emotional distress. Once the distress is reduced or removed, the body can often rebalance itself, and accelerate healing.

EFT is a simple, powerful process that can profoundly influence gene activity, health and behavior. ” — Bruce Lipton, PhD

What is NLP?

Neuro Linguistic Programming is a body of techniques that can shift stuck states, negative belief systems, and program the unconscious mind for success. The techniques used can be applied to a variety of situations and things. This body of processes has been popularized by Tony Robbins and other coaches in the industry. I use NLP as a compliment to EFT in my work with clients.